
Appointment of SAGE Group SA’s Regional Sales Manager for South East Asia

Posted on: May 2, 2017

Appointment of SAGE Group SA’s Regional Sales Manager for South East Asia

SAGE Group SA, publisher of the Prospero software solution for global private banks and financial institutions worldwide, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Kimberly Espiritu as Regional Sales Manager. Kimberly will be responsible for business development for the banking and financial services industry in the Philippines and South East Asia out of SAGE’s Manila office.

As a sales professional, Kimberly has gained a broad and detailed knowledge of retail, wholesale and investment banking business across multiple topical areas including Risk, Compliance, Trust/Wealth Management, Transaction Banking and Lending. Combining this with her clear understanding of how new and traditional technology solutions can enable banks to achieve their strategic and tactical ambitions make her the advisor of choice for banks pursuing technology-led business strategies.

Jean-Luc Freymond, CEO of SAGE Group, states “Kimberly has a strong track record creating value for the clients she has worked with in the banking community. She enjoys an excellent reputation that lets her cultivate a strong network of relationships within the industry built on trust and respect for her professionalism.”

Kimberly has years of experience in the field of banking technology, previously holding the position of Regional Sales Manager for multiple software and consulting firms including AGDelta, CRMNEXT and Kris FinSoftware.




For more information on this news, please contact SAGE Group SA at +63 2 555 5442 (Manila).

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