
Valsoft Acquires Finartis and Enters the Wealth Management Vertical

Posted on: May 3, 2021

Valsoft Acquires Finartis and Enters the Wealth Management Vertical

MONTREAL, May 3, 2021 – Valsoft Corporation Inc. (“Valsoft”), a Montreal-based company specializing in the acquisition and development of vertical market software businesses, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Finartis, a leader in wealth management software, headquartered in Switzerland. Finartis is committed to the development of high-quality software solutions.

Jean–Luc Freymond, CEO of Finartis, is extremely proud of the company that he helped grow over the years and is excited about its future with Valsoft: “We are very proud of what we’ve accomplished to date, establishing our flagship product Prospero as an award-winning solution with impressive success over the past years. We realized we needed a partner to help us unleash our untapped growth potential fast and immediately felt that Valsoft was the right one from a cultural and goals alignment perspective.” said Jean–Luc Freymond. Jean–Luc will remain on board with the team and ensure a smooth integration into Valsoft. The company will continue to provide excellent support and a robust software solution to customers.

“A step in the direction we’ve been striving towards recently given our insight into the industry, Finartis is a natural fit for us and will offer a seamless integration into the Valsoft family. The team, culture and leadership are well aligned with our existing values, which has also made this transaction seamless. Portfolio Management is a vertical we have extensive insight into given our team’s experience and believe this is the best entry into the vertical which we will continue to build and expand. We are excited to grow our presence in the sector through this acquisition” said Sam Youssef, CEO and Co-Founder of Valsoft.

About Valsoft:

Valsoft acquires and develops vertical market software companies, helping each business to deliver the best mission-critical solutions for customers in their respective industry or niche.

Valsoft was represented internally by David Felicissimo, Pamela Romero and Jessica Modafferi and external counsel Michael Baier of Wenger & Vieli Ltd.  Finartis shareholders were represented by Patrick Couasnon of CG Partners.

A key tenet of Valsoft’s philosophy is to invest in well-established businesses and foster an entrepreneurial environment that molds a company into a leader in its respective industry. Unlike Private Equity and VC firms, Valsoft does not have a pre-defined investment horizon and looks to buy, hold, and create value through long-term partnerships with existing management.

For more information about the companies, please visit: and

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