Customers Management
The smartest way to promote
Our powerful Marketing module is much more than a great way to promote your investment and enterprise strategy. Now you can target current and prospective customers with tailored multi-channel campaigns. Prospero helps to make your communication totally professional from the outset. And when they’re ready, you just send your individual or mass-targeted messages, emails, news and articles in a single click. Once sent, you can track all the feedback you receive so as to improve your client profile, enterprise strategy, investment direction and marketing communication.
CRM with a capital “C”
If 30 years in this industry has taught us anything, it’s that the client is what drives success. When it comes to CRM, the initial C – client – should be capitalized to emphasize its importance. Our CRM tool reflects this view. Track and manage clients’ investment goals and objectives, investment constraints and preferences. You can also set monitor and contact preferences (including reporting and sales-marketing) so that your relationship with the client matches their requirements.
Prospero a solution that seeks to minimize your compliance costs
Regulations governing business-client relationships become increasingly stringent while clients themselves are understandably more demanding in areas like transparency and risk management. Our KYC tool allows you to approach clients on a more confident footing, giving you extensive client due diligence, compliance & profiling (AML, KYC e.g. MIFID) as well as accurate and up-to-date client risk profiling.
The newly issued FATCA & CRS reporting standards require international organizations to comply with a new set of challenges. Prospero has developed a solution that recognizes these new standards, and allows users to identify and update a “change in circumstance” in a customer’s FATCA/CRS status.
Simplify tasks And deepen relationships
With Prospero, you have everything you need to create perfect relationships. Configure preferences to remind you of each major event. Schedule and organize your contact activities with our simple-to-use Organizer, and generate tasks to perform using predefined processes. With Prospero, tasks such as preparing for client meetings and tracking feedback are effortless. In short, you will always be on track and on the ball.
Rue du Pont 22
1003 – Lausanne
+41 21 653 64 01
5 Shenton Way
#10-01, UIC Building
Singapore 068808
PO Box 500835
2506A Business Central Tower
Dubai Internet City
CEO Suite - LKG Tower - 37th Floor
6801 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
1226 Philippines
+63 2 8859 2888