IAM & Family Office

Investment Strategy & Portfolio Management

Investment Strategy & Portfolio Management

Optimize returns in a mature market
Our Investment Strategy and Optimization module allows you to analyze all your investments options. It guides you through an informed process in selecting the best asset allocation for your portfolio’s risk profile taking into account extreme events. Our financial models have been built on over 20 years of combined academic research aimed at finding an improvement of the risk metrics commonly used.


360° overview of models, funds & portfolios
Our powerful Model, Fund and Portfolio Overview empowers you to fine-tune your investment strategy to make value-creating investments. It enables you to compute and analyze performance using a variety of methods: now you can slice and dice P&L into several dimensions, compare your portfolios against individual or blended benchmarks, access all of your analytics libraries and take advantage of several other features


Model management
Prospero allows you to manage your portfolio models in accordance with your investment strategies. Prospero keeps it simple: now you can tailor your portfolio weights to match their tactical and strategic objectives in a single click. You have also the capability to automatically track market fluctuations using drifting models to ensure that each portfolio is weighted correctly. Our multi-level model overview leaves you in control of every specific need you have in terms of analytics. Prospero then outlines the trade orders required to automatically or semi-automatically rebalance the portfolios in the context of its individual investment constraints and compliance rules.


Order management
Our configurable order life-cycles are designed to be simple and efficient, while maintaining multi-broker relationships. You can quickly and easily generate pre-filled multi-portfolios or multi-securities orders. Prospero supports a large range of asset classes, from the most common ones such as Long/short equity, Fixed-Income and Funds to more complex derivatives and illiquid classes such as Private equity and Real estate. Prospero’s Order Management checks the compliance with the defined set of rules, including regulatory, and performs collateral monitoring on leveraged portfolios.


Your personal dashboard
The investment strategy and portfolio management dashboard is a customizable dashboard, providing a 360° overview of daily tasks, notifications and recent activities. Prospero offers the ability to design and configure dashboards the way you need them, from configurable task generation to widgets and notifications you need to access. In this way, it becomes easy to know when you have to rebalance portfolios relative to a specific model or price change.

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Rue du Pont 22
1003 – Lausanne
+41 21 653 64 01


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Singapore 068808

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2506A Business Central Tower
Dubai Internet City


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6801 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
1226 Philippines
+63 2 8859 2888