Wealth Management

Analytics & Reports

Analytics & Reports

360° Customer, model, fund & portfolio overview
Prospero is a versatile multi-channel platform, which has been designed to be accessed anywhere and on any device. Prospero increases the productivity of your front-office staff by providing direct access to everything they need in a single click, thereby significantly reducing their administrative tasks. Our solution provide portfolio managers with a complete 360° overview of where their funds and portfolios have been and where they are headed to, as well as gaining the confidence to make suggestions about where you believe they can make improvements. Our analytics provide customers with a better perspective of day-to-day performance, valuation and forecasted future cash flows. These business analytics tools can be configured to each individual user so they can track the indicators most relevant to them.


Export, customize and share in all simplicity
Export, print or share all the analytics and reports you need to. From configurable automatic generation to specific on-demand needs, our Reports Editor enables you to deliver impressive targeted quality in terms of content and visual presentation.


Key general analytics

Profit & Loss
Cash Flow Projection
Perf. Attribution / Contribution
Profitability Analysis


Key investment strategy analytics

Return Analysis
Benchmark Analysis
Portfolio Alpha Protection
Metric Analysis
Allocation Analysis
Performance Deviation


Key market risk analytics

Value at Risk (VaR)
Expected Shortfall
Portfolios’s Beta NAV
Forecast Performance
Impact of other sources


Key credit risk analytics

Evaluate Rates
Credit Risk Evaluation
Simulation Positions
Exposure Without Pledge
Counterparty Risk Analysis
Debtor Analysis


Key fund administration & accounting reports

General Ledger
Investment Ledger
Profit and Loss
Margin Accounts
Investment Borrowing Power


Key audit reports

Positions and Interest of Bonds
Subscription and Redemption
Profit and Loss
Positions and P&L of Securities
Units per Nav History


And much more…

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Rue du Pont 22
1003 – Lausanne
+41 21 653 64 01


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#10-01, UIC Building
Singapore 068808

Dubai (UAE)

PO Box 500835
2506A Business Central Tower
Dubai Internet City


CEO Suite - LKG Tower - 37th Floor
6801 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
1226 Philippines
+63 2 8859 2888