Wealth Management

Order Management

Order Management

STP – Achieve what needs to be achieved in the most efficient way possible
Straight-through processing lets you dramatically improve all transactions at the same time as reducing your settlement and operational risks. Get real time analysis and reporting from every department. Prospero can also be connected electronically to your counterparts to implement straight-through processing. One of its major objectives is to enable the entire trade process for financial markets activities and payment transactions to be conducted electronically (from trade capture to execution, validation and settlement). In addition, the system is integrated, with third party analytics and data providers such as Bloomberg, Reuters or Six.


Capture order
Our configurable order life-cycles are designed to be simple and efficient, while maintaining multi-broker relationships. You can quickly and easily generate pre-filled multi-portfolios or multi-securities orders. Prospero supports a large range of asset classes, from the most common ones such as Long/short equity, Fixed-Income and Funds to more complex derivatives and illiquid classes such as Private equity and Real estate. Prospero’s Order Management checks the compliance with the defined set of rules, including regulatory, and performs collateral monitoring on leveraged portfolios.


Execution management
Prospero provides all the major features that traders need to be efficient in their daily tasks. Visualize your transaction tickets in a single, comprehensive, blotter interface. Access a consolidated overview which offers an advanced real-time view of trading activity and execution status. Check and validate orders easily in the case of investment restrictions, a breach of compliance or a broken credit limit, or adjust any information relative to the deal ticket, such as traded price.

User-oriented Prospero proposes the adequate and appropriate calls to actions, with details, to help you to take the right action. Minimize the number of transactions by consolidating orders. Automatically and directly feed and notify all trade adjustments and cancellations to front, middle and back offices. Order and execution automation is generally implemented using the FIX protocol or ad-hoc messaging formats.

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Rue du Pont 22
1003 – Lausanne
+41 21 653 64 01


5 Shenton Way
#10-01, UIC Building
Singapore 068808

Dubai (UAE)

PO Box 500835
2506A Business Central Tower
Dubai Internet City


CEO Suite - LKG Tower - 37th Floor
6801 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
1226 Philippines
+63 2 8859 2888