Pricing & Valuation
Prospero internal valuations – Formulas
With Prospero, you have everything you need to manage automatic valuation processes in an efficient way, using the Prospero formula feature. Our solution provides the transparency that you need around your valuations processes and demonstrates effectively how a value was calculated and controlled.
Your central point of control, quality and transparency
Our solution offers a central point of acquisition, selection and control, which guarantees quality and transparency for pricing. Acting as a single point of communication with external data providers, Prospero automatically collects and evaluates prices the way you want to, from one or multiple sources that you require:
Efficiency in pricing & valuation operations and exception management
Visualize your Pricing & Valuation data in a single, comprehensive, blotter interface. Access a consolidated overview which offers an advanced real-time view of security static data and several other features. Check and validate pricing easily in the case of exceptions.
Pricing & Valuation Process
Rue du Pont 22
1003 – Lausanne
+41 21 653 64 01
5 Shenton Way
#10-01, UIC Building
Singapore 068808
PO Box 500835
2506A Business Central Tower
Dubai Internet City
CEO Suite - LKG Tower - 37th Floor
6801 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
1226 Philippines
+63 2 8859 2888