Achieve what needs to be achieved in the most efficient way possible
Straight-through processing lets you dramatically improve all transactions at the same time as reducing your settlement and operational risks. Get real time analysis and reporting from every department. Prospero can also be connected electronically to your counterparts to implement straight-through processing. One of its major objectives is to enable the entire trade process for financial markets activities and payment transactions to be conducted electronically (from trade capture to execution, validation and settlement). In addition, the system is integrated, with third party analytics and data providers such as Bloomberg or Six.
Rue du Pont 22
1003 – Lausanne
+41 21 653 64 01
5 Shenton Way
#10-01, UIC Building
Singapore 068808
PO Box 500835
2506A Business Central Tower
Dubai Internet City
CEO Suite - LKG Tower - 37th Floor
6801 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
1226 Philippines
+63 2 8859 2888